Grant Program

Applications Due: 4:00pm | Friday | December 15, 2023
Final Report Due: 4:00pm | Tuesday | November 1st, 2024
Grant Announcements: January 26th, 2024

Park & Trail Improvement Grant Program

The Pickaway County Park District has closed the application period and awarded the 2024 Park and Trail Improvement Grants. Since 2015, the Pickaway County Park District has awarded over $520,000 to support 66 local park and trail projects here in Pickaway County.  In November of 2017, the citizens of Pickaway County approved a 10-year levy to support Park District operations and to increase and improve parks and trails throughout the county.  To follow through with promises made during the levy campaign, the Park District has set aside $75,000 of its 2024 appropriations, for the 10th round of Park and Trail Community Grants.

This year the District has expanded this grant program to include the option to request fund for a Park Master Plan, Master Plan Improvement Projects or Park and Trail Improvements. Applicants may submit applications for both the Master Plan Grant and the Park Improvement Grant within the same cycle or may submit an application for a Master Plan Improvement Project. Applicants submitting projects under both grants will be required to identify their priority project. $20,000 will be dedicated for the creation of local park master plans and $20,000 will be dedicated for park and trail improvement projects. Applicants who have completed a Master Plan Project with the District who are applying for a Master Plan Improvement Grant will be eligible for up to $50,000 to complete a project within the scope of the park’s master plan. Please see each individual grant application for more details.

Please note that this will make this year’s grant cycle very competitive and not all projects may be funded.